College Students And Their Sexual Experience

The sex scene in college is a bit confusing, to say the least. Sexual revolution is over and there are many campus parties with one-night stands. News stories continue to be published about rapes, and unconsented sex. Hookups have evolved with time. They can now include kissing or intercourse with someone you love, a close friend, a crush and, yes, even strangers.

According to studies, up to 25 percent of women in college report being raped. College administrations are often criticized for not responding to these allegations. This has led to a whole new generation of activists and supporters. Some people worry that “affirmative consensual” solutions are overkill, but others believe it is a way to protect men and women from an uncontrollable new environment. Students are ready to party and college sex for them is not news but a reality. New York surveyed college students on their opinions about campus sex. We polled 700 students. And contrary to expectation, many are choosing not to engage in college sex. Nearly 40% of our respondents were virgins. It’s depressing for some people to imagine their first sexual milestones with someone who they don’t even know. It was generally felt by virgins, as well nonvirgins, that they did not have the same amount of sex. Everyone believes they are different from each other, but the truth is we all have similar sexual experiences. – The sexual experiences we had were different than what we expected. There are many different types of relationships that can be had openly. There are many hookups, but students understand the pros. It was common for students to engage in ritual hookups. Now, it is acceptable to refuse to take part.

The ultimate virtue for feminism is empowerment. The evolution of sex has been from free sex and safe sex all the way to consenting sex. Will good sexuality be the next trend? The students are aware of the rapes and assaults that occur on campus. However, they share an optimism regarding the various ways in which young people can explore love, identity, and sexuality. If the college behavior of this generation is any indication of its sexual health, the results are very positive.


  • blaircabrera

    Blair Cabrera is a 34-year-old mother and blogger who specializes in education. She has a degree in early childhood education and has been blogging about education-related topics since 2010. Blair has two young children and is passionate about helping other parents navigate the educational system. She is a regular contributor to several parenting websites and has been featured in several online and print publications.

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