The Importance Of Parent Education

Many people consider parenting to be the most challenging and important job they will ever do. However, it is often overlooked. All primary caregivers (parents, grandparents, adoptive parents) are important. All parents can benefit from the opportunity to gain new skills and strategies for relating to their children. It allows parents to share their struggles and problems with others.

There are many parenting challenges that parents must overcome today. Parents were able to rely upon networks of support to help with their parenting. Many families and parents are becoming more isolated than they were in the past and raising their children in silos. These parents are trying it alone. It has also changed what skills are required for a child to succeed.

Over time, every generation notices a shift in society’s view of parenting issues. Many families are struggling with managing their behavior. This includes a lack in expectations, child supervision, excessive punishment for the parent, and inconsistent punishment. John Geldhoff a professor of behavioral science and health at Oregon University, states that every parent, no matter their income, high or low, mandated, non-mandated or mandated, can benefit by evidence-based parenting training. Parents who have taken classes to learn effective discipline techniques and parenting methods report that their children are more capable, happier, and healthier.

Support and education for parents can help address problems and make parenting more fun and enjoyable. This can increase a child’s potential to succeed. Michigan State University Extension offers many parenting courses, such as Building Early Emotional Skills In Young Children. Parents have many other options for reliable information to help them meet their needs. YouTube videos, research-based websites as well as books, podcasts and blogs, offer many resources online. Be sure to verify the legitimacy of any parenting resource before you use it.

In-person trainings may be offered by your child’s local MSU Extension, school, library, or community center. Parents can ask questions and share their stories with other parents through in-person parent education. One common theme that is raised in class is the topic of parent education. As a result, there are quality discussions, ideas shared, and people feel more connected. You may also find it beneficial to take online classes.

The negative perception of parent education is that it makes you less capable of parenting. Parents are not limited to parents with severe behavior problems or who are struggling. Parenting education can be a positive experience for both parents and their children.

We might spend money on our new puppy’s obedience classes, learn how to play golf, or go out with our families to eat. It is an investment in ourselves as well as our families. Parents can also invest in their children’s future abilities to make good friends, build relationships, maintain friendships, get a job, and be great parents.

The following resources contain more information on parenting that is based on research:

  • National Association for the Education of Young Children
  • Michigan Association for the Education of Young Children
  • From 0 to 3
  • Harvard University’s Center on the Developing Child
  • MSU Extension Family


  • blaircabrera

    Blair Cabrera is a 34-year-old mother and blogger who specializes in education. She has a degree in early childhood education and has been blogging about education-related topics since 2010. Blair has two young children and is passionate about helping other parents navigate the educational system. She is a regular contributor to several parenting websites and has been featured in several online and print publications.

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