The WHO definition of “health” is a state that includes complete mental, physical and social well being. It does not simply mean the absence of disease or infirmity. 1)The WHO definition is “a state or complete physical, social, and mental well-being” (WHO, 1948). A criticism to this is the use “complete”, as very few people possess “completed” mental, social, and physical faculties. The drug companies also use this definition, because their research is extensive enough to create drugs that can treat problems that are not currently or will never affect someone’s physical health. (Huber 2011). The biomedical model focuses solely on the biological or physical symptoms. It combines two elements, one to diagnose and another to treat, but only doctors are allowed in this model. Pool and Geissler, 2005 say that “illness” is when a person does not feel or think well. It is also called “dysfunction of the body”. Social model looks at lifestyle, economy, and environment. It is more focused on prevention than treatment. (ACS 2018)

Explain the functionalism of health and Parson’s role as a sick person. What are the main criticisms against the biomedical approach? (1. 2 & 1. Bio-medical health refers to a health approach that is very medical and does not consider alternative approaches. It is a physical illness, such as viruses and pathogens. This viewpoint is from the medical interventionists who prefer to fix the illness instead of counteracting the effects which cause someone to become sick. Bio-medical approaches have two components; diagnosis is the process of identifying a disease, illness, or condition through direct observation, diagnostic tests, blood tests, or ultrasounds. Second, there is intervention. It involves actions taken to improve the health of patients through hospitalisation, prescriptions or surgery. It is a good thing that it encourages research and technology improvements. Without these, we would know little about the treatment and diagnosis of illnesses. It is expensive to become a doctor, both in terms of time and money. This model relies on a professional to diagnose the illness.

It is also not helpful for people living in countries with limited access to health care. Roth 2013) It is linked to functionalism since it gives people agency to recover and become productive members of society. It implies deviance because a sick person behaves differently from a healthy person. It is also positively sanctioned when someone in authority or the community approves. For instance, getting a doctors note will make it more acceptable to miss school or your job. Parsons gave ill people certain rights, such as not being blamed and having leeway from others. They also have to accept responsibility for getting better and seek treatment. But both of these are only temporary. Parsons’ broader ideals are based in functionalism and require that people fix the problem to return to their social role.

c. Describe a socio-medical view of health, and what it has to do with Marxism. 2 & 1. 3) Socio-medical emphasizes social, cultural, economic, and environmental factors. This approach uses a broader community-based perspective to prevent disease. It focuses on education, policies and health promotion. The five key principles of the document address the social inequalities and broader determinants that affect health. They also empower communities to improve health access, and encourage collaboration between sectors. The Ottawa charter, which was published in 1986 at the first ever international health conference, had five key principles, three health promotion principles, eight conditions (or resources) that were required to improve health and five action areas.

This model is advantageous because it increases education and encourages healthy living. It is not possible to get the same results quickly with this model because not everyone in the population is as motivated. For instance, not everyone who smokes or is overweight will be affected by illness. It is related to Marxism due to the idea that the bourgeoisie is ruling the proletariat and that their values and beliefs trickle down to the rest of the population, creating a “false awareness”. In this context, “consciousness” refers to a class’s capacity to assert its will. The “falseness” part is when the class claims to have goals that are not beneficial to accomplishing these goals. The working class displays the ideology of the ruling classes, even if it is not in their best interest. This could encourage the populace to take actions that would benefit their lives, such as worker unions who have improved working conditions and benefits, or increased wages. Task 2-Health and illness can be very personal experiences, but they are also part of society. The socio-medical models takes individual choices into consideration, but they are influenced by peers and their environment. Describe the influence of social factors on health. (2. 1)

What is the relationship between social factors and health? (2. Social factors can influence our health in many ways, from education and wealth to class and family. Working class people are twice as likely to die prematurely and suffer from a serious illness. This is due to the high levels of anxiety and insecurity they experience. They also have low self-esteem and social isolation. A person with more wealth can choose to pay for their own healthcare. However, someone with a low social status will need to rely on NHS services, at least here in the UK. The lower your status, the less likely you are to have access to health food. Because fruit and veggies are more expensive, they are harder to find. Also, take-out food is more affordable and readily available. If you have a low income, it is unlikely that you will spend your money on exercise, like going the gym. You are also more likely to be overweight or develop diabetes.

Social exclusion and poor housing can lead to mental illness. Housing is also a contributing factor to poor health. Research has shown that improved housing conditions lead to better mental and physical health. Health problems are more likely to occur in people who are continuously exposed to things such as pests and mould. A bad neighbourhood may also cause mental health problems, as it can increase anxiety levels due to crime, violence and pollution. On the other hand, a good area would have more shops that encourage people to purchase healthier foods, to work in jobs they enjoy, to use better transport, to receive a higher level of education, to be employed in better paying jobs, to be in better schools, to be in better places. (Huber 2013).Education is the key to a better life. An educated person is more likely to make healthier decisions, which will result in a longer lifespan. They’d be more likely to choose to exercise, to visit the doctor regularly and to not smoke. An educated person has a greater chance of obtaining a job that pays more and offers better working conditions.


  • blaircabrera

    Blair Cabrera is a 34-year-old mother and blogger who specializes in education. She has a degree in early childhood education and has been blogging about education-related topics since 2010. Blair has two young children and is passionate about helping other parents navigate the educational system. She is a regular contributor to several parenting websites and has been featured in several online and print publications.

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